The Trustees of Reservations
Weir River Farm
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A Trustees Property
Moose Hill Farm CSA
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Monday, August 10, 2015

PYO Bonanza!

After a whirlwind of deconstruction and reconstruction activity last week, our greenhouse has landed in its new home on top of Turkey Hill.While the structural work is done there, over the coming months we'll be adjusting the grade inside the house and trenching in water and power. The first order of new business in there will be drying and curing our storage onion crop for the fall. We'll start
Newest baby Beltie!
photo: Ann Antonellis
harvesting that later this week, now that our garlic crop is fully harvested and up in the loft of the Red Barn drying and curing. Another baby cow was born last week and I'm happy to report that all three sets of mamas and babies are doing well.

One of our CSA partners this year is the fabulous Blue Barn Farm Share Program, a home-grown Hingham non-profit. Blue Barn is working locally on the South Shore to connect families and small farmers, addressing food access issues and strengthening our community. Blue Barn raises money to provide families with a farm food budget at a local farm, which can be used at the farm stand or to purchase a CSA share. The farms receive market rate compensation for the food that they grow and everybody wins. Support Blue Barn or find out more here.

We have a limited number of 20lb boxes of ugly tomatoes available this week. Uglies are prefect for
photo: Sophie Shillue
making sauce, canning, or freezing. A 20lb box is $20. Please reserve your box by emailing me at I'll also have ugly tomatoes available over the next few weeks if this isn't an auspicious week for you to be making sauce!

In your share this week: lots of tomatoes! green peppers, eggplant, a hot pepper, the last of the fresh onions this season (storage onions are headed to the greenhouse for drying very soon!), our good friends squash and cucumber, and a bonanza of Pick Your Own crops: cherry tomatoes, green beans, tomatillos, and a large bouquet of flowers.

A note to Tuesday shares about the PYO this week: rain/thunderstorms are predicted for Tuesday afternoon (we'll see if that actually happens.. the weatherpeople don't have a good track record of precipitation prediction on Turkey Hill). If it does indeed rain/thunder, feel free to come back on Thursday afternoon for the PYO portion of your share!

Zinnia in full bloom
photo: Sophie Shillue

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