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Monday, July 28, 2014

You say potato, I say....yummy!

freshly harvested new potatoes
photo: Liz Green
We're excited to have new potatoes from Moraine Farm this week! As I mentioned last week, the potato crop is a little late this year (effects of the cold spring are catching up to us here), but it's finally ready to be dug and enjoyed. Moraine Farm in Beverly, MA is one of our sister Trustees farms and farmers Gretta and Liz do a stellar job with potatoes there every year. Our soils here at Weir River aren't well suited for potatoes and after last year's disappointing crop, I decided to focus on the many other crops that actually like our low acidity, compost-rich soils. 

The other big news of the past week is that our Oreo cookie cows have started calving. The first baby was a bit of an early surprise on Tuesday morning, then two more followed on Thursday, and two more today. Despite a few difficult deliveries, so far all mamas and babies are doing well. We can give you more updates on your pickup day, as well as point you toward the best baby calf viewing spots of the day. You might even get to witness one of the last few births we're expecting this week!

In your share this week: more squash and cucumbers--the bumper crop continues as we transition into the mid-season succession!, new potatoes from Moraine, a big bag of basil, PYO parsley (see recipe below if you're running out of parsley ideas), and PYO mini sunflowers!
Enjoy your veggies and your mini sunflowers this week!

Recipe of the Week 
Last year's farm apprentice, Leah, introduced me to this recipe and it's a favorite now. Try it on your new potatoes this week!

Marcella Hazan's Bagnet Vert (a delicious green parsley sauce)
from Marcella's Italian Kitchen

1/2 c. bread crumbs (fresh
1/2 c. red wine vinegar
1/2 c. tightly packed parsley
1/2 tsp minced garlic
2 or 3 anchovies
1 hard boiled egg yolk
3/4 c. extra virgin olive oil 
Freshly ground black pepper and salt to taste

Soak bread crumbs in vinegar until thoroughly soaked, then squeeze them out with your hands. Put all the ingredients except for the EVOO into a food processor and pulse to combine. Add the EVOO and blend thoroughly. Serve at room temperature or store in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Excellent spooned over fish, shrimp, potatoes, or tomatoes.

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