The Trustees of Reservations
Weir River Farm
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A Trustees Property
Moose Hill Farm CSA
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Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Drumroll please....

Spinach looking tasty
photo: Ann Antonellis
The farm crew and I have spent the last few weeks planting up a storm! Out in the field and inside our greenhouse, we have green growing things popping up everywhere. The weather around here over the past month has interesting ride. From early April's still-snowy fields, to a strangely hot early May, and a bone-dry few weeks (up until today's much-needed rain), Mother Nature's been keeping us guessing. The good news is that even though we had a cold, late start to the spring, the warmer weeks in early May have worked to bring us  almost back to where we should be this time of year. That means that CSA pickups can start on schedule on the first week of June! Our first week might be a little lighter than we hoped for, but we'll see how things progress in the field over the next two weeks. 
Calendula flowers in the greenhouse
photo: Ann Antonellis

As always, CSA pickups are Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 2-6pm. Which day should I pick up, you ask? On your chosen pickup day, of course (same day every week throughout the season, please!). To sign up for your day, please follow this link to become a Tuesday person or a Thursday person (deadline for choosing your pickup day is Saturday, May 23rd). If you are flexible and are equally willing to become either a Tuesday or a Thursday person, there's a choice for that too! I'll assign flexible people to balance out the numbers and I'll email you to let you know which day you've been assigned. 

If on a given week you can't make it to the farm on your chosen pickup day, please email me ( by Monday at 5pm so that I can adjust our harvest counts for the week. This is important so that we harvest your veggies on the right day and they're as fresh as can be!
Red lettuce sparkling in the sunshine!
photo: Ann Antonellis

Where is CSA pickup? At the Yellow House at 140 Turkey Hill Lane in Hingham. Please park in the parking lot across the street, come in through the front door and enjoy the beautiful view as you pick out your veggies. We love it when members bring their reusable grocery bags! 

If you're splitting your share with a share partner and you'd like them to receive these (soon to be weekly) emails too, have them sign up here on the blog homepage at the 'Follow by Email' box on the right side of the page. 

If you paid the $325 deposit when you originally signed up, second payments are now due. You can pay by credit card here--please use the original shareholder name with your payment so we can match your payments up. Thank you!
Tomatoes getting ready to be planted out in the field
photo: Ann Antonellis

Farm Fresh Yoga with CSA member and local yoga teacher Maureen St. Croix is back again this year! We'll kick off the season on Saturday, May 30th with yoga at 11am, followed by a BYOPicnic lunch in the field. Meet at the Yellow House, bring your mat and maybe a towel or sheet if you don't want to get grass on your mat. We're still finalizing the rest of the schedule for the season, but I'll post it here soon. FREE for CSA members and sliding scale donation for friends, family, and neighbors. 

Thanks to our awesome volunteer, Ann Antonellis, for her great photos this week!

See you all soon!
Newly planted tomatoes
photo: Ann Antonellis

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